Tamron SP 24-70mm f/2.8 VC Di USD XR
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Fotografia digitala acceseaza o noua dimensiune. Din Saitama, Japonia, Tamron anunta via F64: dezvoltarea primului obiectiv 24-70 f/2.8 cu stabilizare din lume!
F64 il va avea in exclusivitate pentru piata foto din Romania, la magazin, pentru teste si comercializare.
Plaja focala 24-70mm si diafragma f/2.8 reprezinta zoom-ul standard pentru profesionisti si entuziasti, in special la fotografia de eveniment. Acolo reprezinta nu doar o optiune, ci o necesitate prin armonizarea focalei variabile cu diafragma generoasa. Pentru prima oara intr-un astfel de instrument se adauga mecanismul de stabilizare, permitand captarea imaginilor in conditii de iluminare (sau… intuneric) greu de imaginat pana in prezent.
Cu denumirea sa oficiala: SP 24-70mm F/2.8 Di VC USD -Model A007- obiectivul Tamron, perfect compatibil cu aparatele full-frame va putea fi adaptat pentru trei monturi: Nikon F, Canon EOS si Sony Alpha. Corpul obiectivului Tamron va include un nou sistem de stabilizare, sub denumire originala: New Vibration Control System – Moving Coil Method, si sistemul ultrasonic pentru focalizare.
Obiectivul Tamron 24-70mm este dotat cu motor de focalizare USD rapid si precis, constructie optica cu elemente de calitate inalta, dimensiuni reduse si detalii estetice atent finisate. Compatibil 100% cu aparatele foto full-frame, Tamron 24-70 cu stabilizare de imagine este excelent ca obiectiv all-around iar diafragma luminoasa, f/2.8 il transforma intr-un obiectiv perfect pentru fotografierea in conditii de iluminare slaba si asigura o separare perfecta a subiectului de fundal.
Esentele tehnice ale primului obiectiv cu stabilizare din lume pe plaja focala 24-70mm, produs de compania Tamron sunt: diafragma maxima f/2.8 cu 9 lamele rotunjite, compatibilitatea cu aparatele full-frame, silentiozitate, focus rapid, luminozitate.
Obiectivul Tamron 24-70 are o constructie rezistenta la umezeala ce-l protejeaza in conditii adverse, cum ar fi ploaia si utilizarea in medii cu praf sau umezeala excesiva.
Utilizarea unei diafragme circulare confera fotografiei un splendid efect blur iar forma ronda se pastreaza chiar si in momentul in care se scad doua trepte de diafragma din valoarea sa maxima.
Pretul acestui obiectiv nu a fost confirmat de oficialii Tamron Europe insa, anul trecut la intalnirea si prezentarile Tamron care au avut loc la Oslo, s-a vorbit despre o cotatie de aproximativ 700 euro, un pret extrem de competitiv pentru primul obiectiv cu stabilizare din lume construit pe cea mai ceruta plaja focala a unui obiectiv cu zoom standard pe formatul full-frame.
Inca nu au fost anuntate datele de livrare si pretul final, dar va vom tine la curent!
In continuare va prezentam anuntul original:
Tamron develops full-size, high-speed standard zoom with built-in image stabilization – SP 24-70mm F/2.8 Di VC USD (Model A007) with class-leading resolution and Tamron’s proprietary VC (Vibration Compensation)
February 6th, 2012, Saitama, Japan: Tamron Co., Ltd., a leading manufacturer of optical equipment, announced the
development of the SP 24-70mm F/2.8 Di VC USD (Model A007), a full-size high-speed standard zoom lens equipped
with VC (Vibration Compensation) image stabilization and USD (Ultrasonic Silent Drive), with resolution at the top of
its class.
Product Features
1. A full-size, high-speed standard zoom with built-in VC (Vibration Compensation). Even when shooting in low-light conditions with a slow shutter speed to render sharpness, Tamron’s acclaimed VC allows for stable handheld camera work, to more fully enjoy the benefits of this high-speed zoom lens.
2. Uses special high-grade glass in the three LD elements, three glass molded aspherical lenses, one hybrid aspherical lens and two XR (Extra Refractive Index) glasses, delivering top-of-the-class quality images suited to this high-grade lens. Using a rounded diaphragm, the lens achieves gorgeous blur effects. This rounded diaphragm retains a nearly circular shape even when taken two stops down from its fully open state.
3. Features Tamron proprietary USD (Ultrasonic Silent Drive) to power a speedy AF drive together with a continuous manual mechanism.
4. This high-speed standard zoom lens has a wide-end focal length of 24mm that expands the photographic area.
5. The lens adopts the new technology including the latest optical design, VC (Vibration Compensation) image stabilization and USD (Ultrasonic Silent Drive), all in a lighter and more compact package.
6. Moisture-resistant construction helps prevent water from penetrating the lens.
Model: A007
Focal length: 24-70mm
Maximum aperture: F/2.8
Angle of view (diagonal): 84°04’ -34°21’ (for full frame 35mm format cameras)
60°20’ -22°33’ (for APS-C format cameras)
Lens construction: 17 elements in 12 groups
Minimum focus distance: 0.38m (15.0 in)
Maximum magnification ratio: 1:5 (at f=70mm: MFD 0.38m)
Filter size: φ82mm
Length1: 108.5mm*
Entire Length2: 116.9mm*
Diameter: φ88.2mm
Weight: 825g*
No. of diaphragm blades: 9 (rounded diaphragm)
Minimum aperture: F/22
Standard accessories: Flower-shaped lens hood
Compatible mounts: Canon, Nikon, Sony
*Specifications, appearance, functionality, etc., may be changed without prior notice.
*Length, entire length and weight values given are for the Nikon mount.
VC (Vibration Compensation)
VC (Vibration Compensation) is Tamron’s proprietary image stabilization system. Tamron’s VC is a three-coil system,
whereby three driving coils activate the shake-compensating VC lens group electromagnetically via three steel balls.
The VC lens elements are held in place only by contact with the steel balls, achieving smooth movement with little
friction. This provides a stable viewfinder image with excellent tracking performance. And as the VC lens may be
moved in parallel using only the motorized control, the mechanical structure has been simplified, enabling the creation
of a more compact lens.
New VC system (moving coil method)
Tamron’s original VC image stabilization mechanism utilized a moving magnet system whereby a heavy magnet was
positioned near the moving VC lens element. In the new VC unit the positions of the magnet and the coil are reversed,
because of this the VC optical lens element is attached to the coil. The new VC mechanism employs a moving coil
mechanism with a lightweight coil, and the lighter coil reduces the load on the drive system. Thus, the lighter, more
compact new VC unit contributes to the lens’s overall light weight and compact size.
Because the 24-70 mm F/2.8 Di VC USD is a high-speed zoom lens with maximum aperture of F/2.8, its VC system
must drive a lens that is larger and heavier than other zooms. Therefore, the shape, size and layout of the drive coils are
all designed to obtain sufficient thrust. The result is a full-size, high-speed zoom that provides the same high level of
compensation effect.
About the ultrasonic motor
In the ultrasonic motor, a piezoelectric element arranged in a ring formation generates ultrasonic vibrations in a metallic
ring stator, and the vibration energy is used to rotate a metallic ring rotor that is attached to the stator. The rotation
energy is in turn transferred from the metallic ring rotor to operate the focus lens.
9 comentarii
daca e tot ca 17-50-ul (cu VC)…mai bine se lasa de meserie…din 3 incercate (probleme cu focusul), abia al treilea a fost bun, dar din pacate era canon 17-55 2.8…sper totusi sa invete din greseli
Fac obiective bune, la preturi de amator. Cam ce obiectiv cu f/2.8 gasiti dumneavoastra la 1500 lei? Din cate stiu eu, 17-55 f/2.8 este la pretul de 4500 lei (mai mult sau mai putin). E de 3 ori mai scump. E drept, si calitatea e ceva mai buna (nu foarte, oricum). Iar legat de focus, ei bine, pot fi recalibrate in asa fel incat sa focalizeze acolo unde trebuie. Plus ca sunt de mult timp pe piata 24-70 si de la Canon si Nikon si niciunul nu s-a gandit sa-i adauge stabilizator de imagine (desi clientii "tipau" dupa un asemenea obiectiv). Raspunsul companiilor a fost 'cela cum ca n-au nevoie de asa ceva. Cand piata geme dupa un produs, e bine sa i-l oferi, nu? Tamron nu s-a culcat pe o ureche si ofera clientilor sai exact ceea ce-si doresc. Si pretul fac pariu ca va fi unul rezonabil si bun pentru toata lumea.
Sincer nu stiu despre ce vorbeste acid2006, eu am unu VC de cand a aparut de fapt 2 si 17-50 si 18-270 ala vechi nu PZD. Ambele sunt obiective foarte bune la pret de amator. In viatza mea nu a-si da pe canon de 2x mai mult. Folosite atat pe canon 40D ca si pe 7D. Am probat in acelasi timp si canonul 17-55 2.8, e o idee mai bine facut si mai rapid, dar de 2x, in nici un caz. Abia astept sa-l vad la treaba pe asta.
Ambele obiective Tamron pe care le am lucreaza foarte bine, atat 17-50 cat si 18-270, ambele cu VC, atat pe CANON 40D cat si pe CANON 7D. Multumita F64, am testat si canonul echivalent care e de 2x mai scump, e un pik mai bine facut si mai rapid, dar nu de 2x in mod sigur. Si stiu ce zik pentru ca ultima achizitie e asta –> ;http://www.f64.ro/canon-ef-24mm-f-1-4-l-ii-usm.html. Abia astept sa vad monstru asta la treaba, si cred ca si CANON e pe punctul sa scoata v2 la renumitul 24-70 2.8 vom vedea daca cu IS sau nu.
Nnu are IS din pacate http://www.canonrumors.com/2012/02/canon-ef-24-70…
Abea astept sa vad niste teste cu obiectivul asta. Pacat ca nu are zoom intern…asa mie ca prin praf…sa nu intre in lentila. Sper sa aiba un parasolar mai mare ca sa il contina, cum are Nikon, dar slabe sanse. Cel mai important totusi e IQ…daca macar se aproprie de concurenta e instant in cosul meu de cumparaturi.
Niciun 24-70 (indiferent de marcă) nu are zoom intern. Pe de altă parte, cele de la Nikon/Canon/Sony sunt izolate la intemperii; la fel şi noul Tamron 😉
eu folosesc tamron 28-75 f2.8 pe d700 si va spun ca in afara ca e slow pe fokus , calitatea imaginii este super , nu distorsioneaza mult nu este atat de greu ca nikonu de pret nu mai vb , iar front sau back fokus nu am intalnit nici macar odata , deci daca noul 24-70 va avea aceiasi calitate la imagine plus cele mentionate mai sus va fi un adevarat Winner !__
To tamron 28-75 f2.8 am pe canon 40D si ma gandeam sa mai cumpar o bucata pentru 5D – asta spune multe. Dar m-am hotarat sa astept sa vad pretul acestui bebelush.